Series 79 Exam Information

Series 79 Exam Overview & FAQs

The Series 79 Exam

The Series 79 exam evaluates the competency of entry-level registered representatives working as investment banking representatives. It assesses their knowledge of critical functions such as advising on debt or equity securities offerings, including private placements and public offerings, as well as mergers and acquisitions.

Topics include: Collection, Analysis and Evaluation of Data, Underwriting, Types of Offerings, Registration of Securities, Mergers & Acquisitions, Tender Offers, and Financial Restructuring Transactions.

Series 79 Exam Difficulty Level

Any professional exam in the Financial Services industry is not easy and includes many concepts that test takers must be able to show a satisfactory level of competency. Many people pass the first time, but others need a second attempt to complete the task. The study and exam tools available through Pass Perfect have been proven to be a highly effective method to prepare for the Series 79 exam.

After the Series 79

Once you pass the Series 79 exam, you are licensed as an Investment Banking Representative, enabling you to advise on or facilitate debt or equity offerings through a private placement or a public offering. It's a specialized role focusing on the investment banking sector. If you are interested in a broader range of securities supervision, the Series 24 exam is the next logical step. This would certify you as a General Securities Principal, giving you the ability to supervise a more comprehensive range of securities activities. For those with a keen interest in municipal securities, the Series 52 or Series 53 exams would be good additions. The Series 52 qualifies you as a Municipal Securities Representative, while the Series 53 licenses you as a Municipal Securities Principal. If your career aspirations involve securities trading, then considering the Series 57 exam, which licenses you as a Securities Trader, would be beneficial.  

Series 79 FAQ

Are there any corerequisites for the Series 79?

You will also be required to take the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) exam, unless you have passed certain other licensing exams (such as the Series 7) prior to October 1st, 2018.

How often is the Series 79 exam updated?

The 14-member FINRA Series 79 exam committee meets regularly and they work hard to keep the questions fresh, accurate, and relevant. You should assume that the 79 exam will test current laws and practices.

How hard is the Series 79 exam?

Exam Prep customers who have passed the Series 79 exam say that it is a difficult exam, particularly for test-takers who do not have education and work experience in accounting and finance. Additionally, the Series 79 exam requires a broad knowledge of the rules, regulations and industry practices that govern US capital markets and investment banking.

Where can I get more information about the Series 79?

Additional information can be found on the  FINRA website.

How long should I prepare for the Series 79 exam?

We recommend studying 65-75 hours over a six-week period.

What score do I need to pass the exam?

A score of 73% is required for passing.

Note: Your score will be rounded down to the next lowest whole number (e.g. 72.9% would be a final score of 72%--not a passing score for the Series 79 Exam).

How many questions are on the exam?

There are 75 questions on the exam.

How long do I have to take the Series 79 exam?

You have 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete the exam. You can take a break but the clock will continue to count down. There is no penalty for wrong answers, so if you run short of time, try to answer every question, even if you have to guess.