No other securities exam preparation is backed by the experience and resources of Pass Perfect — nor the state-of-the-art capabilities of our Learning Management System. With the most up-to-date content, delivered in ways that best work for you, you will join the millions we’ve helped get licensed.
It's Guaranteed
Our Pass Promise courses are thorough, proven, and come with a guarantee that students who complete the program will pass their securities exams.
Choose a flexible study option that fits your schedule and learning style.
From self-study to live virtual classrooms, and printed materials to instructor videos, our package options let you choose how you want to prepare.
Feel confident in your test readiness with true understanding.
Our expertise helps us not only teach “the what” behind complex concepts, but also reinforce learning with stories of “the why.”
Pass the first time with preparation that challenges you.
The depth and quality of our question pools means no filler or repeat questions that give you a false sense of preparedness. You will know you’re test-ready.
Our new proprietary Learning Management System is built for the financial services industry, enables professionals like you to pass the FINRA exams — quickly and easily.
Training Programs with Results You Can Rely On
Delivering better pass rates than the competition while ensuring faster speed-to-production with predictable outcomes. This is why 3 of the 4 largest broker-dealers in the U.S. trust their training programs to Pass Perfect.
Smarter Solutions for Your Finance Program
Launching customizable, turnkey SIE prep — or simplifying existing programs — with a seamless process. See why dozens of prestigious institutions across the nation have chosen to join our network.